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How to create a photo negative from your digital image
You need:
a digital image at 300 dpi/ppi
Adobe Photoshop or other software capable of inverting an image into a negative
laser-printer transparencies
use of a laser printer

Step 1:
I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.
Choose a digital photo with dramatic contrasts between light and dark for the best alternative process results.
Using Adobe Photoshop or another photo-editing software, change the image to grayscale. Adjust the contrast if needed.
Save the image as a .tiff at the size you wish to print at 300 ppi/dpi.

Step 2:
Invert the image so that you have a "negative" which turns the light areas to dark areas.
The image must be accessible on a computer that is connected to a laser printer (NOT an ink jet printer). One-color laser printers are relatively inexpensive. Mine is made by Brother.

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